(719) 619-6475
6140 Tutt Blvd. Suite 100 COS, CO 80923

my front range living

Appraisal Gap In Colorado Springs

Buying a house in Colorado Springs right now can be down right brutal and appraisal gaps have become a necessity. Appraisal Gap Explained An appraisal gap is the difference between your offer on a home...
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Escalation Clause In Colorado Springs

One way to make your offer stand out in a competitive market is by using an escalation clause. Escalation Clause In Real Estate The Colorado Springs real estate market is highly competitive. Homes are going...
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Trash Service In Colorado Springs

Trash service is a home must-have. Colorado Springs offers great providers, from nation-wide companies to locally owned family businesses. Trash Service In Colorado Springs National Brands Waste Management Waste Management offers residential and business trash...
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Taxes In Colorado

Property taxes in Colorado Springs are lower than the national average at 0.48% of the home’s assessed value.  The income tax rate in the state of Colorado is 4.55%. Find out how this benefits you....
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Radon Testing In Colorado Springs

Do I need radon testing? What is radon? What are the radon levels in Colorado? We get asked these questions on a very regular basis! We always recommend that our clients get a radon test...
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